508 Valley View Drive, Irvington, KY 40146  (270) 547-3355

The Monster in Me: Frankenstein

After Dr. Frankenstein brought his creature to life, he realized the mistake he had made. His creation’s appearance horrified him which lead to Dr. Frankenstein rejecting the creature. Throughout the course of the book, and many of the movies bearing the name Frankenstein, we see the creature suffer from loneliness. Perhaps two of the saddest aspects of the book centers on the fact that the creature never received a name and was never accepted.

Today many suffer from loneliness. The pain is very real and causes, like the monster in Mary Shelley’s classic, us to lash out at others and even ourselves. We find ways to cope as best we can (the monster taught himself to read and write) but still feel out of alone. Our loneliness can only be answered by (like the monster) our creator.

Our creator is God. Throughout Scripture God shows us his presence (Isaiah 41:10, Deuteronomy 31:8, Joshua 1:9, Psalm 27:10, Isaiah 43:2, and even into the New Testament with Matthew 28:20). He even puts others in our lives so that we can see him. Then we make it…

…all about Christ,


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