508 Valley View Drive, Irvington, KY 40146  (270) 547-3355




This is what we teach!


The Bible

The Bible is God’s word given to man from approximately 40 different authors over 40 generations (1500 years). It was written by men and women of different positions (i.e.: poor or rich) and in different locations (from prison cells to kings’ palaces) who were inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the complete, perfect, inerrant and inspired word of God.

2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:19-21


God the Father

God the Father’s major work is seen as Creator and Ruler of all. God the Father is co-equal with the Son and the Holy Spirit, the other two parts of the Trinity. There are two types of attributes that cover approximately six aspects of who He is. The two types of attributes are absolute and comparative. Absolute attributes include Holiness, Love, and Goodness. The comparative attributes include Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence.

Exodus 3:13-14, Psalm 90:1-2, Isaiah 46:9-10


God the Son

God the Son’s major work is redemption. God the Son was not created by God the Father. God the Son is co-equal with the Father and Holy Spirit, the other two parts of the Trinity. God the Son came to the earth and lived fully as man and fully as God while denying himself the full glory due to him as God. His work was to restore the relationship between God and Man. God the Son is the certain of the Scriptures or self-revelation of God.

John 1:1-3, Philippians 2:6, Hebrews 1:8-12


God the Spirit

God the Spirit’s major work is seen in the spread of the church. God the Spirit was not created by God the Father. God the Spirit is co-equal with the Father and the Son, the other two parts of the Trinity. God the Spirit was sent by the Son to be a counselor, comforter, and an agent of conviction. God the Spirit empowers us as Believers to further and strengthen the Kingdom.

Genesis 1:1-2, John 15:26-27, Romans 8:9-14



Man is the cornerstone of God’s creation. Man was created on the sixth day. Man was created very good and then fell away from God by allowing sin to come into his life. Man was caught in a cycle of sin and hence, an attempt to atone for sin by sacrifice. This was the case until Jesus Christ came to earth as God to forgive man once and for all by dying for us. Jesus died as a perfect sacrifice. Man can only be saved by accepting the free gift from God the Father which is salvation offered through Jesus the Son. Man is made of material (being body) and immaterial (being spirit).

Ecclesiastes 12:7, Genesis 1:31, Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1-3



Sin is what is wrong in our world. The Law, given in the Old Testament, teaches us that there is Sin. Sin is any act that works contrary to the perfect Law of God. Sin is the completion of temptation. Sin is what separates us from God.  Nonbelievers are eternally separated because of Sin. Believers lose fellowship with God because of Sin.

Romans 3:23, Hebrews 2:2-3, Romans 6:23



Salvation comes from Christ. Salvation was needed because of the power of sin in mankind’s life. Sin separated man from God. God sent His son to show us how to live. In living, Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified and buried and rose again. Jesus died as a blood sacrifice on our behalf for the forgiveness of Sin. The blood of Christ, in keeping with Old Testament purification laws, covers over our sins. We are saved by grace through faith. When asked how can someone be saved we refer back to Peter. Peter was asked on the day of Pentecost what someone must do to be saved. He replied repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, salvation does not appear to be understood as a singular point in the life of a believer, but rather the process of moving from this life to eternity with God.

Isaiah 61:1-2, 2 Corinthians 1:9-10, Acts 2:38, Philippians 2:12-18



Baptism is part of the salvation process and part of becoming a disciple of Christ. Every believer who came to faith during the church age in the New Testament was baptized. Baptism was always done by immersion in the New Testament. Baptism was commanded by Christ and the Apostles. Any believer who professes Christ as Lord and Savior needs to be baptized. Baptisms can be performed by any believer.

Matthew 28:19-20, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16


The Church

The Church is the body of the Bride of Christ, the Son of God.  The Church exists to continue the ministry of Christ in today’s times. The Church was created by Jesus Christ to seek and save the lost.

Ephesians 5:23-25, Romans 16:3-5, Acts 13:1-3


End Times

Christ will come again and this time he will be accompanied by phenomena that the whole world will witness. There will be several events, such as the resurrection of the dead and rapture of the living (lost and saved), Judgement and the beginning of eternal Heaven and Hell. There is mystery involved in his return and differing views about the return. Regardless of these events, it is imperative to stay ready for the return of Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-10, Acts 1:6-7, Matthew 24:29-31