508 Valley View Drive, Irvington, KY 40146  (270) 547-3355

The Monster in Me: Dracula

There are over 200 films dedicated to Dracula. The only character in all of literary history who has more films is Sherlock Holmes. Dracula, whether you like him or not, and his vampire ilk are an important part of the culture in which we live. The vampire is an image of desire. From the original vampire’s desire for blood to today’s vampire stories revolving around love and more often than not, lust.

Lust affects more than just vampires. Jesus tells us in Matthew 5.27-30 that lust comes before adultery. Lust is a sin that begins in the eyes and corrupts the heart. It’s a struggle. One that most suffer with. Not just men, but ladies as well…and Hollywood gets it. Paul tells us to avoid it (Ephesians 5.3), but that’s a challenge when it’s everywhere. Right?

Through examining the Scriptures in this message we see that we must avoid tempting situations, watch what and where you watch, pay attention to who we hang out with, and probably the biggest thing we can do, is take a page from Abraham Van Helsing. Go to the cross. Dracula could not stand to be in the presence of the cross of Christ. Likewise, our sin, cannot stand the cross because on the cross our sin was defeated. Turn to Jesus, allow him and those who follow him to help you defeat the monster of lust that lurks inside of you.

all about Christ,


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